Dear Parish Family, The Third Sunday of Advent is known as "Gaudete" ("Rejoice!") Sunday. The readings this weekend are exuberant with joy, and for good reason: Christmas, the Solemnity of the Birth of our Savior, is almost here!
I find it interesting that "Gaudete" is given as an imperative command. The Scriptures are literally telling us that we MUST rejoice. It's not optional. Many of us might find it easy to rejoice this time of year, while others might find it very difficult if it's been a tough year or if it's our first Christmas without a loved one who died. The command is the same for all. We must find in Christ the reason to rejoice!
As we make preparations for end of the year activities and festivities, we celebrate our Angel Scholarship Fund (ASF) kickoff this weekend at our Masses! While investing in ASF can be done any time of the year, most people contribute towards the end of the year. Now is the time. So, what is ASF and what has been its impact since its inception in 2022?
What is ASF? ASF is part of the tax credit scholarship program set up by the State of Ohio for taxpayers to redirect a portion of the income taxes they owe the State to the Catholic school of their choice to use for tuition scholarships based on prioritized financial need. Investors in ASF can direct the amount they owe in state income taxes, up to $750 per individual (or up to $1,500 for a married couple filing jointly), to St. Mary School or another diocesan school of their choice and receive that amount as a dollar-for-dollar tax credit reduction in what you owe in state taxes.
What's the impact of ASF? Since 2022, we've directed over $400,000 in ASF funds to help fund tuition for students at St. Mary School. As tuition costs rise to reflect the true cost to educate, ASF scholarships not only lower parent out-of-pocket tuition payments, but also help us further our faith formation opportunities for our students, and raise teacher salaries. ASF is a win-win for school families, students, teachers, taxpayers, our schools and our parishes.
What can I do? Now is the time to make a no net-cost investment in the ASF tax credit scholarship! You read that right. Investing in ASF doesn't cost you anything since you are simply redirecting the state income taxes you already owe towards a tuition scholarship. It's not too good to be true. Investing in ASF doesn't cost you money, but only a few minutes of your time. Last year, 37 St. Patrick's families invested nearly $35,000 in ASF with $32,000 of that amount designated to St. Mary School in Chardon. I'd like to invite you to become one of our investors to help us reach our parish goal of $40,000 in ASF contributions this year. Contribution forms and flyers are available in this weekend's bulletin and at the ASF table in the gathering space after Mass.
I've made my investment to ASF this year, and I encourage you to do the same. Set our parish and schools on their best foot forward and take advantage of this awesome opportunity before us to make Catholic education and a relationship with Jesus Christ a reality for families. Learn more and donate at
Bambinelli Blessing At Masses this weekend, and at the School Mass this Tuesday, we will have a special "Bambinelli" ("little baby") blessing. Children and adults alike are invited to bring the Jesus figure from their Nativity sets to be blessed. This wonderful tradition established by St. John Paul II began in Rome and has spread to parishes throughout the world.
Christmas is on the way! Here are a few reminders as you plan the rest of your Advent and Christmas season:
Mon., Dec 16 - Parish Confessions at St. Mary's from 4-5 pm, and a Communal Penance Service at St. Mary's with individual confessions at 7:00 pm.
Tue., Dec 17 - Parish Confessions at St. Mary's from 10-11 am
Tue., Dec 17 - Mon Dec 23 - Advent Vespers (Evening Prayer) at 7:00 pm each night at St. Patrick's
Tue., Dec 24 - Christmas Eve Masses (4:00 pm at St. Mary's and at St. Patrick's; 6:30 pm and 10:00 pm at St. Mary's)
Wed., Dec 25 - Christmas Day Masses (8:00 am and 10:00 am at St. Mary's; 9:30 am at St. Patrick's). Note there is NO 12:00 pm Mass at St. Mary's this day.
Thu., Dec 26 - no daily Mass at St. Mary's or St. Patrick's
As we enter more deeply into this holy season, please know how grateful I am to each and every one of you for your support of our parish. We would not be here without your support. Because of you, we make an incredible impact in our community by being and bringing the presence of Jesus, our Incarnate Lord, to those who need Him most. Your continued support of our Church and ministries makes a huge difference! If you are interested in making an end of the year gift to the parish, please visit to learn more about regular Sunday offertory, online giving, legacy gifts, and qualified charitable distributions. If you would like to make a gift of appreciated securities, please reach out to me or Linda Ropchock our Business Manager at [email protected] and we would be happy to assist you!