Our Easter Season comes to a close with Pentecost this weekend. With Pentecost, Easter doesn't really 'end' as much as it begins anew whenever we call down the power of our risen Lord in the Holy Spirit. Pentecost celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church in each of the baptized. Through each of us, the power of Jesus is made manifest in the fruits of the Holy Spirit given to us. Wouldn't you know that each moment is a new Pentecost! Rather than celebrating Pentecost as a static one-time event 2,000 years ago, or even as an annual commemoration, we as a Church celebrate a daily Pentecost as we follow Christ in every part of our lives.
I want to share with you one moment of Pentecost I experienced recently at this year's Sap Run. All the runners started out strong, but as the 5-mile run progressed, and with the realization that there wasn’t anyone offering water to the runners and no one stationed at each mile to announce the time/pace, I remember feeling discouraged and alone. This led to me focusing more on my tiredness and rationalizing slowing down to match the pace of the person in front of me, even though I know I could have run faster. However, there was one man, not in the race, running past us racers in the opposite direction encouraging us as he passed by. That little moment of support gave me new strength to stop focusing on myself and my limitations, and give the race my all through to the very end.
That man took the role of the Holy Spirit at the Sap Run. The Holy Spirit is Himself the Encourager, our Advocate who stands by our side in time of need, offering support when we begin to turn in on ourselves or compare ourselves to others. The Spirit consistently tells us precisely in the firm or gentle tone we need to hear it, "Keep your head up and keep running the race! Be your very best for Jesus!" We run faster in this life when we accept the encouragement, support, and knowledge that we are beloved children of God. We run slower when we believe the discouragement and isolation that comes from the enemy. Accept the voice of the Holy Spirit today, your Encourager and Advocate! Reject the voice of the enemy, the discourager and accuser.
Just a brief reminder to plan to celebrate Fr. Spisak's 40th Jubilee with our parish community next weekend. You can celebrate with Fr. Spisak on two occasions, either at the Saturday 4:00 pm Mass at St. Patrick Parish in Thompson or at the Sunday 12:00 pm Mass at St. Mary Parish in Chardon. A reception open to all follows both Masses. Thanks for your prayers for Fr. Spisak. What a milestone for him and a blessing for us!