Thank you for your prayers for Fr. Spisak's and my silent retreats. While he is back this weekend, I am still on my silent retreat until Tuesday afternoon. As I write this bulletin in advance of my leaving for retreat, I trust that the Lord has done and will continue to do great things for us as we give Him the space and time to minister to our hearts. God blesses His priests so that they may bless His people. Please let us know how our retreats went as you receive the effects of them in the year ahead!
Listening Sessions We know how crucial it is to listen first and foremost to God in the silence of our hearts. Through that disposition of listening, God invites us to listen to one another. I wish to open myself to listen generously to God and to you during our parish Listening Sessions. Your insights about our parish matter deeply to me. You have a meaningful story to share with many good hopes, dreams and desires. Please see the invitation in today’s bulletin and seriously consider attending one of these facilitated Listening Sessions here at the parish. I promise it will be worth your time!
Heart of a Shepherd Campaign Receptions (Oct 30-31) I am excited to kick off our Heart of a Shepherd Campaign here at St. Patrick Parish! The Heart of a Shepherd Campaign seeks to raise funds to renovate the seminary living spaces, fully fund the priest pension account, and establish a fund to assist newly ordained priests pay off college debt. A good portion of money raised will come back to St. Patrick Parish to support some of our capital improvement needs. I invite you to attend one of our parish receptions for the Heart of a Shepherd Campaign after Masses the weekend of Oct 30-31 where you can hear more about the campaign and how to support our work in the diocese and here at St. Patrick’s. More information and an RSVP card are included in today’s bulletin and on our website.
Anointing Mass Weekend (Nov 6-7) We will offer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at all our parish Masses the weekend of November 6-7. Those eligible for receiving the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick include those who are seriously ill in body, mind, or spirit; those preparing for surgery; those diagnosed with life -threatening illnesses or awaiting a diagnosis for one of these illnesses; and those who are experiencing the general frailty that comes with age. I'd ask that you respect the dignity of this Sacrament and not receive it if you have a minor illness such as cold or flu (you should be staying home anyway if that's the case!). If you or your loved one is in need of anointing, please bring yourself and them to one of our Masses. If you are unable to attend these Masses on that weekend, please reach out to our parish office to schedule a time for Fr. Spisak or me to schedule a time to anoint you or your loved one.
Also, remember that Anointing of the Sick is one of three Sacraments that are part of what is known as "Last Rites." Last Rites include Confession, Anointing, and Eucharist for those who are in the last few weeks or months of their earthly life. Please know that you do not have to wait until you or a loved one is on death's doorstep to call the priest in for Last Rites. If at all possible, it is better to plan for Last Rites to be celebrated ahead of time so that the person needing these Rites can participate more fully and receive Eucharist if he or she is able. Last Rites do not need to be performed again if celebrated within a few weeks or months of the progression of an illness. The grace of God surrounds the anointed person as God prepares him or her for the transition from this earthly life to eternal life.
Mass of Remembrance (Nov 5) I'd like to invite you to celebrate a Mass of Remembrance with us on Friday, November 5 at 7:00 pm in the Church. The Mass will honor all the deceased of the parish from the preceding year as well as your loved ones whose intentions you bring to the Mass. Please see more information in today's bulletin. I look forward to seeing you all again in the week ahead as I return from my retreat!