Happy Labor Day Weekend! I hope you enjoy the extended weekend and rest from our daily labors. Although at times it may not feel so, work is actually a gift from God. Work perfects us as it glorifies God through our deeds, and it makes us contributors with the Lord in building the Kingdom of God in our world. May this Labor Day help us unite all of our works with the work of God.
In today's Gospel, Jesus heals a deaf man with a speech impediment. These two issues are actually connected - the man cannot speak correctly because he cannot hear correctly. Once he can hear, he speaks plainly. Jesus reveals that the best disposition of our humanity is that of listening. Listening helps us to hear and understand, to love and appreciate the gifts around us, especially those of other people who may be very different from us. Listening causes us to pause before reacting, to process what we've experienced and respond in a much holier and life-giving manner. The result is peace, joy, and a growth in love! To whom in your life do you need to show this disposition of listening?
Bishop Malesic Message I would like to direct your attention to an important message included in this week's bulletin from Bishop Edward Malesic, our Diocesan bishop. For the safety of all who worship at our Catholic parishes, he strongly encourages us to wear a face mask while attending Mass indoors. Please prayerfully consider following the request from our bishop.
Society of African Missions Appeal September 11-12 Please welcome Fr. Anthony Koriv next weekend from the Society of African Missions. He will be speaking at our Masses next weekend, and we will take up a second collection to support the work of his mission. Thank you for your generosity and prayers which will support the work of the Church and the promotion of the Gospel throughout the world! Thank you for your attention to the above items. I am praying for you and your needs daily.