Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. We celebrate Jesus, the Only Begotten Son, revealed to the nations. This feast gives us the opportunity to consider the many ways in which Christ makes known His presence in the world today.
One of the ways the Lord makes known his presence to me is through the people of Saint Mary and Saint Patrick parishes. For this I am truly grateful. Your prayers and support express God's presence and mercy to me. I count on those prayers all the more as I get ready for my (right) hip replacement surgery on Tuesday, January 11th. The surgery will be done at Saint Vincent Charity Hospital in downtown Cleveland. After surgery I will spend some time in nursing care followed by time recuperating at my family home in Parma Heights. While at home I will have physical and occupational therapy which will continue for a time once I return to the parish. I anticipate returning to the parish on or about Monday, March 14th.
Again, thank you for your prayers and please be assured of mine for you.