I'm excited to share that a date has been set for my Pastor Installation! On Sunday, December 11, Bishop Malesic will install me as Pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Thompson at the 9:30 am Mass and Pastor of St. Mary Parish in Chardon at the 12:00 pm Mass. I am grateful for the Lord's call and the Bishop's request for me to serve here as Administrator this past year, and look forward to serving with you for many years to come. As a renewable six-year assignment in our diocese, the role of Pastor provides stability and security for the people of the parish as well as for the priest. May God grant us many blessed years together!
Please be aware that Chardon has a home football game next Saturday,
September 3 at 3:30 pm. We will have a plan in place to keep our parking lot open for those coming for confessions and Mass.
With school back in full swing and more and more families returning to Mass, I think this is a great time to reflect on our Sunday experience of the liturgy. I am offering some comments during my homily time at my Masses about various liturgical updates and reminders as listed below. These remarks are meant to be helpful in calling to mind that we are united as one family in Christ when we gather at Mass. We open our hearts to Christ in the liturgy who purifies and strengthens us in Word and Sacrament. Our lives bear abundant fruit when we become receptive to God's Word and faithfully receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
Livestreaming. We will continue to livestream the 8:00 am Mass at St. Mary's as a benefit for the sick, homebound, those with significant health risk factors or care for someone who is immune-compromised. While livestreaming Mass here or elsewhere can be spiritually uplifting, remember that it is not a substitute for being physically present at Mass. As we come out of the pandemic, we will need to make sure we are coming to Mass in person as the Church intends, and only utilize livestream when it is impossible to come to Mass in person.
Timeliness. Please make every attempt to be in your pew before Mass begins and stay until the closing hymn is finished. As a family in Christ, we need to make it a priority to be together for the whole Mass each week for our own benefit and for the benefit of our parish family. We all know emergencies happen from time to time, but patterns of coming late and/or leaving early can easily become bad habits that harm us spiritually. If you do arrive after Mass begins, please wait in the back of church for a pause in the prayers or readings before making your way to your pew as a gesture of respect for those praying.
Communion Postures. Since 2003, the Diocese of Cleveland has retained the same policy for postures during the Communion Rite which directs the faithful to remain standing beginning after the Great Amen until communion has been distributed to everyone in the church. At that time, the communion song ends and a period of sacred silence begins. People may sit or kneel at that time and do not need to stand until the Blessed Sacrament is reposed or the priest is seated. While this policy is intended to unite us in common posture, it isn't meant to be rigidly imposed so that those who wish to sit or kneel at another time would not feel free to do so. The priest at Mass may gesture to be seated when sacred silence begins.
Bells. We will instruct servers to ring the bells only during the consecration and not during the epiclesis. This will allow the congregation to hear the words the presider is speaking during epiclesis as he calls forth the power of the Holy Spirit into the offering of bread and wine.
Gospel Book. Starting in September, the deacon, or a lector in the absence of a deacon, at Mass will process in with the Book of the Gospels.
Thank you for your commitment to our Lord and to our parish family. It is a privilege to serve as your priest, shepherd, and father.