Dear Parish Family, Happy Pentecost! As our Easter season concludes after this Sunday, we enter back into Ordinary Time with the renewed gift of the Holy Spirit given to the Church at the first time at Pentecost. If you think of it, every moment since that great day is a new Pentecost, a new outpouring of the Spirit of Christ upon His Church. The Easter celebration of the Lord's Resurrection, Ascension, and sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost doesn't so much "end" for us as much as it "enters" into the daily fabric of our ordinary lives. You and I can begin to live in the grace of the Holy Spirit in a new way right now, and renew and deepen that grace of our Lord's life within us at every moment. We welcome Anthony Donatelli this week who will serve as our summer seminarian through mid-August. Anthony will be introducing himself to our St. Patrick and St. Mary Parish communities over the next few weekends. I know you will love Anthony's warmth and joy. Please welcome Anthony who is excited to enter his last year of formation in the seminary. He hopes to be ordained a priest next May. As we prepare for Corpus Christi, or the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, on Sunday, June 2, please note two significant opportunities for Eucharistic faith formation and evangelization. First, see today's bulletin invite to come to a Eucharistic Miracles presentation at St. Mary Chardon on Tuesday, May 28 with John Liberatore and Nate Menkhaus. I met John at a "Teens Encounter Christ" (TEC) retreat that I led a number of years back. I also mentored Nate for a year as he prepared to enter seminary. These are really wonderful disciples who love the Lord and want to share with you some of the awesome miracles of our Lord in the Eucharist. I hope you can come! Last but not least, I invite you to join us on a Eucharistic Procession through Chardon Square on Sunday, June 2 after the St. Mary Chardon noon Mass! About 100 people joined us for this procession for the first-time last September. We processed with Jesus in the monstrance through the Square as we prayed the rosary together. Those who couldn't walk the entire way met us at the gazebo where we paused for a short time of prayer and Benediction. We will do the same thing this time on June 2, and come back to the church for a short time of Adoration following the procession. This is an awesome witness of our Eucharistic faith to our culture, an invitation to follow Jesus who isn't afraid to enter our city centers and Squares, and a powerful testimony to onlookers that it's worth following Jesus wherever He leads us.