Angel Scholarship Fund (ASF) Follow-Up. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity I had to present the Angel Scholarship Fund (ASF) at all Masses last weekend. The Angel Scholarship Fund capitalizes on a new tax credit scholarship program in the State of Ohio whereby Ohio taxpayers who donate to the ASF receive a tax credit against their Ohio income tax liability (up to $750 for single filers, and up to $1,500 for married joint filers). St. Mary School in Chardon or any Catholic school in the Diocese of Cleveland can be designated to receive these tax credit scholarship funds to provide tuition assistance for students, at no net cost to you as a donor!
This is the low-hanging fruit of which I'm encouraging you to take full advantage. It's a win-win in lowering your tax liability, and in making Catholic education an affordable reality for families. Moreover, the support of St. Patrick Parish towards ASF in designating St. Mary School in Chardon is a creative way to provide a relief valve to St. Mary Parish’s subsidy for the school so that over time we can together focus on shared staffing and resources for future growth and development.
With this being a new program for our parish and school, I was blessed to receive a few questions about donating to the ASF, so I'd like to share some remarks below.
"When do I donate"? You should plan to donate THIS YEAR (2022) to the ASF. You will use your 2022 donation when you file your taxes on or before April 15, 2023 to receive the tax credit. Use the tax receipt you receive from the Angel Scholarship Fund to claim your tax credit when you file your 2022 State of Ohio income tax return.
"For how long will this tax credit program exist?" This tax credit scholarship will continue each year until the tax law changes. Plan on making a donation to the Angel Scholarship Fund each year for as long as the program continues. We will keep you updated on any changes.
"Where do I find how much state income tax I owe?" You can find how much you owed in state taxes in 2021 on your Ohio Income Tax Form IT 1040. Line 8c will show how much your tax liability is before credits.
"I get money back from my state tax return…does this mean I don't owe state taxes?" Your state income tax return (1040, line 8c) will show you exactly how much you owe in state taxes. You may be getting money back because you are overpaying or over-withholding. You may consider lowering your quarterly payments or state withholding with this new tax credit.
"What happens if I donate more to the ASF than I owe on taxes?" Donations to the ASF count as a nonrefundable credit (OH IT 1040 Form, line 9), meaning that if you donate more on line 9 than your tax liability listed on 8c, the amount over your tax liability will be counted as a donation and not as a tax credit or refund.
"Can I get my employer to match my contribution?" Matching contributions from employers can be made to the ASF! This is a great way to double or triple your contribution. Contact your employer’s human resources or benefits department to verify participation. If they do, fill out the employee portion of the application and send it to the Angel Scholarship Fund, 1404 East 9th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114.
Read more in today's bulletin, or on our website at If you have further questions, you may contact Fred Roberts at the Catholic Community Foundation (216-902-1312), or talk to your tax professional. Thank you for spending the 5 minutes it takes to donate to the Angel Scholarship Fund to make a difference for a family desiring affordable Catholic education!
Shared Staffing Announcements and Job Openings Guided by our Listening Session comments, I am pleased to announce a few new staff positions which will provide a shared approach to ministry and service between St. Mary Parish and School and St. Patrick Parish. Please see the bulletin and our parish website for more information. Full job descriptions and application criteria are available at If you are interested in one of these open positions, or know of someone who might be a good fit, please direct them to the employment page, or reach out to me.
OPEN POSITION - Facilities Manager: This full-time exempt position will provide strategic, high-quality oversight and maintenance for the facilities, equipment, building, and grounds of the campuses of St. Mary Parish and School and St. Patrick Parish. Experience in facilities management and/or construction required.
OPEN POSITION - Communications Director: This full-time non-exempt position will assist me and our pastoral staff in executing strategic communications plans for St. Mary Parish and School and St. Patrick Parish, including developing communications strategies for staff and parish leaders, creating both print and digital content, managing our communications platforms, and being present at parish and school events to share our story. A combination of experience and an educational degree in communications, marketing, public relations, or a related field, is required.
Director of Faith Formation: I’ve selected Mrs. Kara Passow to lead a new Director of Faith Formation staff position entrusted with directing youth and adult faith formation programs for St. Mary Parish and School and St. Patrick Parish. Kara will work with me and our pastoral staff to provide age-appropriate catechetical, sacramental, liturgical, and spiritual formation; offer training and ongoing formation to catechists and parents; collaborate with parish staff and ministries to support quality faith formation offerings; and promote a culture of encounter, discipleship, and evangelization in all areas of parish life. Kara comes to our parish staff after teaching at St. Mary School for 29 years. Kara will start this new position on June 13. I invite you to read her brief bio in today's bulletin.
I want to thank Mrs. Marilyn Schwartz for serving as PSR Director these past 10 years, and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors.