I'm pleased to announce that seminarian Anthony Donatelli has been assigned as a summer intern to St. Mary and St. Patrick Parish this summer! Anthony will be entering 5th Theology, his final year of seminary formation as he prepares for ordination to the Transitional Diaconate and Priesthood.
Happy Good Shepherd Sunday! The Fourth Sunday of Easter provides us with one of the deepest images and identities of our Lord Jesus as our Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd knows and loves His flock.
As we move deeper into our Easter season, we have some exciting initiatives and news in today's bulletin with updates on the new St. Mary's rectory build and sponsorship items and Parish Council nominations.
On this Divine Mercy Sunday, we get to see the workings of God's mercy for those who crucified our risen Lord. Mercy is a free gift of God offered to us to reconcile us through Christ to the Father and to our brothers and sisters.